jueves, 29 de abril de 2021

English. Listening activity: How often do you...?

 1. Watch this video about Christine and Tiago and write the answers in your note book:

Christine´s Video

  1. How often do you run?
  2. How often do you play sport?
  3. How often do you read books?
  4. How often do you play football?
  5. What do you do on Mondays?
  6. What do you do on Fridays?
  7. What do you do on Saturdays?
  8. What do you like doing on holidays?

2. Answer the questions about you.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2021

U4. Social Science: River's Project

Los alumnos que hayan suspendido el examen de la Unidad 4 (Spain), deberán hacer un trabajo sobre uno de los grandes ríos de España que hemos estudiado para poder aprobar. Para el resto, el trabajo es voluntario y les servirá para subir nota.

IMPORTANTE: Os pongo el enlace al PDF  con lo que voy a valorar en el trabajo.

PDF con los criterios de Evaluación del trabajo.

Los alumnos pueden entregarme un borrador con la información sobre el río el lunes 26 o martes 27 de abril. Yo se lo devolveré corregido para que hagan el póster y se lo estudien.

Deberán traer el póster y aprenderse la presentación para el miércoles 5 de mayo.

Arribes del Duero (Zamora y Salamanca)

Some sentences you can use are:

I choose this river because ….
- I go to village next to a tributary of this river in summer.
- I think it's beautiful.
- I would like to know more about it.
The river ______ has its source in …
The source is in  (mountain range)
Some important places where the _____ flows through are…
___________ is an important city where this river passes through. In this nice city…
It has its mouth in…. where it flows into the … ocean/sea.
I also would like to say that…

viernes, 16 de abril de 2021

U7. Dictation

1. When my grandma was young, she couldn’t use a computer.

2. My grandpa could send postcards, but he couldn’t send emails fifty years ago.

3. People could speak by telephone, but it was more expensive and difficult than now.

4. Life was very different in the past. What do you think?

5. Yes, I agree with you.

-  click on here  to listen to it, and write the dictation in a piece of paper.

- Correct your dictation.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2021

La mariposa de Austin


¿Qué experiencia se cuenta en esta historia?

¿Qué aprende Austin? ¿Cómo lo aprende?

¿Qué aprenden los compañeros de Austin?

ACTIVIDAD: Dibuja una mariposa tigre.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2021