miércoles, 23 de junio de 2021

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2021

3ª Reunión de padres por Zoom

 Estimadas familias,

Mañana viernes tendremos la 3ª reunión anual de padres. La haremos conjuntamente Azucena y yo en el siguiente enlace:

Hora:  13:05 

ID de reunión938 605 9104

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

Natural Science: SUPER REVIEW





Social Science SUPER REVIEW

The world
Continents and oceans


Capitals of European countries


Autonomous Communities

Capitals of Autonomous Communities




martes, 1 de junio de 2021

U9. Dictation

 - Did you plant seeds last month?

- Yes, I did. I like plants because they grow slowly and quietly.

- I prefer making cupcakes. I made them with my cousin yesterday.

- You always make them very well and quickly.

- Thank you! You are so kind.

- Would you like to play cards?

- I love playing cards but I can’t play now. I must do a quiz and copy the dictation from the blog.

- Okay, another time then. Bye!

- Bye!

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021

U5. History. Christopher Columbus


Did you understand...

1. When did Christopher Columbus live?

2. Why is he famous?

3. Who were the queen and king that paid for the trip? 

4. What are the names of the three ships they sailed? 
5. How many days did the trip last?

6. When did Christopher Columbus arrive in America?

7. How many times did Columbus travel to America?

8. Do you remember four products that Columbus brought* from America to Spain?

9. Do you remember any animals and foods that Columbus took** from Spain to America?

10. What advice does Columbus give us at the end of the video?

*Brought: past tense of the verb "to bring".
** Took: past tense of the verb "to take".

U9. How do we spend the free time? (Book)

(Por favor, recordad que solo se puede acceder desde un dispositivo/navegador, 
para que todos los compañeros puedan acceder. Thanks!)